
"MCV was the first direct contact I found. Our MCV Regional Resource Coordinator (RRC) was not only accessible, but also knowledgeable and personable. We were in a crisis situation and I was beginning to think that no one knew where to go, who to contact or what to do until I spoke with MCV. Just the fact that I was able to speak directly with a person was comforting and when I realized the RRC not only was compassionate and helpful but also very knowledgeable I realized I had found a gold mine. MCV was able to direct us to valuable resources without delay and maintained contact with us during and after our family crisis. I feel that MCV is our key to a system that may not be broken but is sadly in need to repair.  Without a doubt, MCV is a very valuable resource.”
Mother of a U.S. Marine

I’m an Air Force veteran that developed complications from head injuries and PTSD from trauma. I lost my job of almost 10 years due to mental health complications. After losing my home as well, I was alone with no one and nowhere to turn to; things seemed hopeless. The VA connected me to  Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans (MCV).  MCV went beyond just caring, they helped me through the crisis. The compassion with which it was delivered was the biggest relief; it meant so much to know they were there.”

- Air Force veteran 

I am a prior Air Force Medic, now veteran, struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Recently, after several years of succumbing to severe denial, and extreme intoxication from self-medicating, which led to two suicide attempts, I made the decision to admit myself for suicide watch and detox. However, the VA system proved to be very complex, and difficult to navigate – which can be quite confusing and frustrating for any veteran. Fortunately organizations like Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans, and people like the Southern Regional Resource Coordinator (MCV So. MD RRC), are greatly involved in both the mental health and substance abuse areas – to help veterans like myself in these very delicate times of crisis. The So. MD MCV RCC response involved him spending the remainder of his day on the phone with me, while contacting with multiple agencies, in order to solidify a plan for my mental health and substance abuse recovery. The So. MCV RRC’s constant check-in’s, advise, and support were interact and assisted in keeping me from changing my mind to revert back to old habits – which I’m convinced would have lead to me completing suicide. MCV and its RRC’s are invaluable because they have passionate characteristics conjoined with agenda that solely focuses on the veteran’s mental health/substance abuse recovery. Additionally, the MCV RRC’s have the ability to look deeper into the immediate circumstances to provide resources and assistance to those issues that contributed to the bottleneck crisis. Needless to say, the MCV organization and its RRC’s have proven to be a very reliable mental health resource."

- Air Force Combat Veteran