Training for Behavioral Health Professionals

Recognizing & Responding to Suicide Risk: Essential Skills for Clinicians (RRSR)

Developed and offered by the American Association of Suicidology, RRSR is a two-day advanced and interactive training based on the core competencies that mental health professionals need to assess and manage suicide risk effectively. This training includes a web-based assessment, a face-to-face workshop, and a competency-based curriculum that is derived from empirical evidence and best-practices. RRSR offers 13 continuing education units for social workers, counselors, and psychologists. Learn more about RRSR here​.

Suicide 2 Hope

Suicide 2 Hope is a full-day training developed by Living Works for clinicians and professional helpers who work with individuals who were previously at risk and are currently safe from suicide. During Suicide to Hope, participants reflect upon their qualities as helpers.. Participants will learn about various experiences of suicide and discover opportunities for recovery and growth. Suicide 2 Hope is structured around a three-phase Pathway to Hope model and offers a mix of large and small group discussions and simulations. Suicide to Hope offers 6 continuing education units for social workers, counselors, and psychologists. Learn more about Suicide to Hope here​.​

Postvention as Prevention: Supporting Children, Adults & Families after Suicide

Postvention as Prevention: Supporting Children, Adults & Families after Suicide deepens participants’ understanding and application of effective ways to support clients who have experienced suicide loss. Participants will learn therapeutic ways to accompany clients in their experience of grief and healing by utilizing a combination of lecture, video, case example, facilitated discussion and experiential activities. This workshop is designed for therapists, school-based counselors, university staff and ther professionals who interface with and support those grieving a suicide loss. Postvention as Prevention offers 5.5 continuing education units for social workers, counselors, and psychologists. 

Art-Based Techniques as a Clinical Intervention for Suicidal Clients

This two-hour training teaches traditionally trained clinicians art-based techniques to use with clients seeking an alternative approach to therapy and healing. The benefits of art therapy from a scientific and biological perspective will be explored. Participants will learn the theory behind art therapy, basic techniques and interventions, and cultural considerations for implementation. Art-Based Techniques as a Clinical Intervention for Suicidal Clients offers 2 continuing education units for social workers, counselors, and psychologists.