Ear (Auricular) Acupuncture, Auricular Detoxification Specialist

Registry Eligibility, Certification and Training

Auricular (ear) acupuncture is a component of East Asian Medicine that works to regulate the body by targeting the acupuncture points/meridians on the ear, and has been known to successfully treat various health conditions (e.g., pain, addiction, weight loss, stress and anxiety). The goal of East Asian Medicine is to restore balance and increase flow in the body which includes removing blockages, stimulating the flow of Qi and the expulsion of harmful substances to bolster the body’s natural healing capabilities. As such, the idea of “detoxification” aligns well with the principles of acupuncture and East Asian Medicine.

ln the 1970s, the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) pioneered a five needle ear acupuncture protocol to address the issues related to addiction that hindered successful, sustained recovery.​ The treatment protocol standardized and branded auricular detoxification in order to be implemented as a public health tool to help with the disease of addiction and the co-related health maladies like trauma, anxiety, depression, irritability (mood), and addiction related cravings. 

In Maryland, Auricular Detoxification Specialists (ADSes) are practitioners (certified in the NADA protocol and approved by the Board), other than licensed Acupuncturists, that specialize in this treatment.​

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