Why Donate?

Why Donate?

There are many reasons to donate, some donate through valuing education or a personal involvement in medical care, others donate through a commitment to making the world a better place, to leaving a lasting legacy to future generations.

The selfless act of whole-body donation in the State of Maryland allows educators, students, and health care professionals the opportunity to advance the study of anatomy and surgery.

The State Anatomy Board provides resources which support programs that offer emergency room and surgical simulation. Medical schools,allied health professionals, hospital groups, and health care organizations come to the State Anatomy Board on a daily basis for help in aiding these professionals train and solve the problems that make our society safer and healthier.

If it were not for past and future donors,  the University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University, and the Uniformed Services of Health Sciences would not be able to train medical students in anatomy. Additional professional programs in allied health, first responders, surgeons, and other doctors  would lack the resources to learn how to provide lifesaving care

Researchers in medical technology seek out the State Anatomy Board to implement experimentation and data collection, which aids their efforts to identify new techniques as well as new cures. 

The question of “why donate,” is a personal question…one answer comes from the accomplishments of educational programs aided by whole body donation and the future discoveries of research programs that will improve the quality of life for the people of Maryland and our neighbors around the globe.​

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