Cross-Reference: Volunteer Services




In order assist the volunteer ancillary organizations which are in existence at present or will be organized in the future, and to insure that all such organizations operate in a manner consistent with both the goals of the Maryland Department of Health and accepted administrative methods, the following policies are established.


A. General Policies

1. All ancillary organizations established for the specific and primary purpose of rendering service to a facility of the Maryland Department of Health are required to comply with this Policy. Organizations established and sponsored externally which offer only periodic and/or infrequent services to these facilities are not within the purview of this policy, i.e., the American Red Cross, Church Guilds, etc.

2. The organization, use, and support of volunteer organizations are strongly endorsed by the Maryland Department of Health.

3. It is foreseeable that more than one volunteer organization, having either similar or different goals, may be established at a facility. Regardless of the number of organizations established, each individual organization should be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Maryland and have: a formal charter, if incorporated; written by-laws; policies; rules; regulations; etc.; which includes the provisions stated below; have the formal approval of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene or his designee, upon recommendation by the ancillary organizations, for the protection of their members, be incorporated.

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4. All volunteer organizations in existence at present or organized in the future and which fall within the scope of this policy will be required to comply fully with the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene's policy on non-discrimination. This policy has been promulgated in compliance with Title VI of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.

B. Policies on By-laws, Etc.

1. Statement of Purpose

a. This shall include specific reference to promoting the welfare of patients and/or clients and engaging in the activities approved by the Superintendent or Head of the facility. It will set forth that the organization will operate in accordance with the policies of the Maryland State Maryland Department of Health.

b. The Director/Coordinator of Volunteer Services of the facility with the approval of the Superintendent or Head of the facility will specifically charge its ancillary organization(s) to be responsible for the operation of the facility canteen(s)in accordance with the Maryland Department of Health Policy 7341, dated January 1984, and any subsequent revision. However, only one ancillary organization will be responsible for a specific canteen.

2. Membership Policy

a. Membership in any volunteer Organization will be open to anyone who is interested in the Organization and the facility, or who is sponsored by a member of the organization, the Superintendent or Head of the facility, or the Volunteer Director/Coordinator, and who has paid the dues required.

b. There may be such types of membership as outlined in the organizational by-laws, i.e., active, associate, honorary life (Reference, 'Robert's Rules of Order'). The prospective member may choose the type of membership.

c. Any employee of the Maryland Department of Health or its components who is an organizational member may not vote, hold office, or be a member of the Board of Directors of the organization of which the employee of the Maryland Department of Health is a member.

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3. Officers

a. There shall be at least a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, all of whom are elected by the membership.

b. Officers are encouraged to serve no more than two consecutive one-year terms, with the exception of the Treasurer.

4. Duties of Officers

a. The president in coordination with the officers of the organization shall prepare a brief written annual report for the annual meeting. A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of the facility, the Director of Volunteer Services for the Maryland Department of Health, the Coordinator/Director of Volunteers in the facility, and the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene. (For aid in preparing a report see Exhibit A.)

b. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the appropriate deposit of all funds in the name of the organization, and in the bank or banks specified by the Board of Directors of the organization. A Treasurer's Report shall be forwarded annually to the facility Superintendent or Head, Director of Volunteer Services for the Maryland Department of Health, and the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene.

5. Meetings

a. There shall be at least one general membership meeting per calendar year, in addition to an annual meeting.

b. The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30, to coincide with that of the Maryland Department of Health.

c. The Board of Directors of the ancillary group shall meet at least four times per calendar year.

6. Committees

There may be such standing and special committees as deemed necessary to conduct the business and carry out the purpose of the organization.

7. Parliamentary Authority

Robert's Rules of Order, revised, will be used.

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8. Amendments

A procedure for amending constitutions, by-laws, etc., will be specified.

C. Branch Ancillary Organizations

1. Branch Auxiliaries (or chapters) of organizations may be formed and shall be known as '_______' branch (or chapter) of the '____________________' of the________________________.

(Name of the ancillary organization) (Name of facility)

2. These branches or chapters shall elect officers as set forth by the parent organization; abide by the constitution, by-laws, etc., of the parent organization; and be formally under the jurisdiction of the parent organization in all matters, especially regarding program development and financial management.

D. Approval and Distribution of By-laws

1. By-laws shall be submitted to the Superintendent or Head of the Facility for approval.

2. The approved by-laws shall be sent to the Director of Volunteer Services MDH for signature of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene or his designee.

3. Distribution of fully approved by-laws shall be to: Facility Superintendent or Head, Director of Volunteer Services MDH, Coordinators of Volunteer Services of facility, if any, and to each member of the ancillary organization.


APPROVED: Martin P. Wasserman, M.D., J.D.


Signature on File Effective Date: April 20, 1998


Exhibit A

Suggestions to Aid in the Preparation of A President's Report

The following is a list of suggestions and items that can be used as guidelines by the president and other officers of an ancillary organization to aid them in the preparation of an annual report. The inclusion in the report of the appropriate suggestions, in the order given, should give a concise, accurate account of the activities of the organization for the past fiscal year. The president and the officers of the ancillary organization are free to give more information in their report than these guidelines call for. It is not necessary to write a report thanking your officers, etc.


• Head Report with a title, i.e., President's Report - Fiscal Year July _____ June____


• Give correct name of Auxiliary.


• Give name of hospital, address, zip code, and telephone number of hospital.


• Tell when your hospital was founded.


• Give average hospital patient population.


• Give total number of Auxiliary members (at present).


• Give number of active, associate, others


• Give number of new active members. Give number of new associate members.


• Give total number of members.


• Give average number of those members working every month. Give number of hours worked.


• Tell if your Auxiliary publishes a newsletter. How often?


• Tell if your Auxiliary is represented on the staff of the hospital.


• Give total number of Auxiliary volunteer hours served in one year (present year).


• Give total money contributed in year (present year). Please do not include salaries of canteen managers.


• Tell the hours canteen is open. (Day/Night)


• Tell if you have 'New to You Shop' or 'Thrift Shop' or like place. When is it open?


• Tell if you have a boutique or gift ship separate from 'New to You Shop.'


• Tell how many canteen cards you have given out free for the year.


• Tell if you work in the wards or cottages with individual residents of the wards or cottages.


• Describe work done in wards or cottages with individuals.


• Tell if members accompany residents into the community. Describe.


• Tell if your Auxiliary gives parties to 'forgotten residents' and/or visits them.


• Tell if any of your members sponsor or have a 'special resident' as a friend.


• Tell if you provide any assistance to those residents who live in the hospital but work during the day. Financial or personal?


• Tell if members feed or make beds when necessary.


• Tell if you, as an Auxiliary, provide continued contact with residents who are now in the community. Explain.


• List major fund raising activities and income from each.


• List contributions to hospital (no salaries of employees to be included).


• List regular services performed year in and year out.


• List any new services.


• Describe briefly what you think is the most import service, besides the canteen, you preform.


• List President's full name and address.


• List Directors' at Large names, address, and telephone numbers.


• List dates of Auxiliary Meetings and Executive Meetings.


• List dates of special Auxiliary functions.


• List Vice President's name, address, and telephone number.​
