Solarium, Foster-Wade Building, Around 1928

This photograph, published in the Spring Grove State Hospital Annual Report for the year 1928, shows a solarium or "sun parlor" in the Foster-Wade Building. Between 1920, when it first opened, and 1925, the building (which, during that period, consisted only of the center section and east wing) was used exclusively for mentally ill veterans, most of whom had been in the armed services during the First World War. The U.S. Government transferred the veterans to the Perry Point Veteran's Hospital in 1925, and in the following year, 1926, construction was begun on the west wing. The west wing of the Foster-Wade Building was completed in 1927, and this picture (of the east wing) was either taken in that year or the next -- shortly after the west wing was completed and the older part of the structure, the east wing, was set aside exclusively for female patients. The Foster-Wade Building's solariums were heated by radiators so that they could be used year-round. They are located on each of the first three floors of both wings, at the front of the building.