Facts about Springfield Hospital Center

General Information

Springfield Hospital Center is a regional psychiatric hospital operated by the State of Maryland, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Mental Hygiene Administration.  Springfield is accredited by the Joint Commission and is located in Sykesville, Maryland.  Springfield Hospital Center was first opened in 1896 and continues to serve the mental health needs of the citizens of the State of Maryland
Springfield Hospital Center is located on a picturesque campus in southern Carroll County, MD and provides a wide range of clinical services for the treatment of persons with mental illness.

How is Someone Admitted to Springfield Hospital Center?

Springfield Hospital Center only admits through direct referrals from hospital emergency rooms, inpatient units in general hospitals, or from State and local courts. 

How Patients Begin Treatment

Once admitted, patients receive an in-depth assessment by an interdisciplinary team.  An intensive treatment plan tailored to meet each patient's unique needs is developed by the treatment team in cooperation with the patient.  Mutual goals are agreed upon and efforts are then focused on assisting patients to meet their goals.

Educational Programs with Colleges and Universities

Springfield Hospital Center serves as an educational site for over 200 mental health professionals annually.  In agreements with colleges and universities nationwide, we proudly provide internships, education and training for counselors, dance therapists, dieticians, medical students, music therapists, nurses, occupational therapists, psychiatric residents, psychologists, recreational therapists and social workers.